Sunday, July 9, 2017

Grants Notice: U.S.-Ethiopian University Linkage Seed Grant Competition

The Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Embassy to Ethiopia is pleased to announce a competition for U.S.-Ethiopian University Linkage Seed Grant projects through the Public Diplomacy Grants program.  The purpose of funding these projects is to provide Ethiopian and American universities an opportunity to create new, innovative and mutually beneficial partnerships between two tertiary institutions.  These projects should further Mission Ethiopia’s goals of:
  1. Strengthening democratic institutions and expanding human rights
  2. Promoting broad-based economic growth and development
  3. Creating a healthier, better educated and more skillful workforce
  4. Improving learning outcomes
Three grant proposals will be funded up to $15,000 with a project duration of up to one year.
The Public Affairs Section will only consider proposals focused in these key areas:
  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Food security
  • Law
  • Media, communications and journalism
  • Public health
  • University administration
This funding opportunity will target seven first generation universities in Ethiopia:  Addis Ababa University, Bahar Dir University, Haramaya University, Hawassa University, Jimma University, Mekelle University, and the University of Gondar.
Universities in the U.S. may submit a proposal to develop a new cooperative project with one of the seven Ethiopian universities. Similarly, the seven universities may submit a proposal to develop a new cooperative project with any U.S. university.  The grant is not designed for the continuation or enhancement of an existing proposal or project.  Proposals must also demonstrate cost-share by the two tertiary institutions.
This funding opportunity is part of Mission Ethiopia’s support for public diplomacy programming in Ethiopia.  Proposals should demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of public diplomacy and address the Public Affairs Section’s goals:
  • Strengthen people-to-people ties between the United States and Ethiopia though shared information, experiences, exchanges and expertise.
  • Strengthen local institutions to build long-term, self-sustaining relationships and institutional linkages between the U.S. and Ethiopian organizations.
Ethiopia has experienced a rapid expansion in the number of tertiary universities over the past 15 years, growing from 2 universities to more than 36.  Though the Ethiopian university system is in the middle of great changes, challenges remain in pedagogy, curriculum development, publication and research.  One of the most urgent needs is internationalization and fostering the development of relationships between Ethiopian and foreign universities.  The Public Affairs Section has been facilitating linkages between Ethiopian and American universities over the past several years through conferences, seed grant competitions, exchange programs, and other platforms.
Since 2010, the Public Affairs Section has awarded seventeen U.S.-Ethiopian University Linkage Seed Grants to build capacity at Ethiopia’s second and third generation universities.  This new funding opportunity will target seven first-generation universities in Ethiopia: Addis Ababa University, Bahar Dir University, Haramaya University, Hawassa University, Jimma University, Mekelle University, and the University of Gondar.
Project Objectives:
Institutions may submit one proposal under this funding opportunity.  American universities and colleges may submit a proposal to establish a new cooperative project with one of the seven first-generation Ethiopian institutions in a key area.  Similarly, the seven first-generation Ethiopian universities may submit a proposal to develop a new cooperative project with any U.S. university.  All   projects should focus on one of these key areas:
  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Food security
  • Law
  • Media, communications and journalism
  • Public health
  • University administration
All proposals should:
  1. Address how the project will contribute to: 
    1. strengthening democratic institutions and expanding human rights
    2. promoting broad-based economic growth and development
    3. creating a healthier, better educated and more skillful workforce
    4. improving learning outcomes
  2. Enumerate specific outputs and outcomes to be achieved by the end of the grant period;
  3. Describe involvement of American participants, experts, organizations, or institutions;
  4. Clearly specify the audience to be reached and the geographic locations of the activities;
  5. Explain how programs and activities will be monitored and evaluated, to include the establishment of a baseline to measure the impact of the programs and activities, which will be reported throughout the project.
  6. Describe how the project will have a multiplier effect or be sustained beyond the life of the grant;
  7. Include a media plan for marketing or advertising program activities and outcomes;
  8. Demonstrate competency to manage all financial and oversight aspects of the project, including participant costs and transparent arrangements sub-grant relationships with partner organizations, if applicable.
  9. Demonstrate cost-share by the U.S. and Ethiopian universities and colleges.
The U.S.-Ethiopian University Linkage Seed Grant Competition is intended to encourage the creation of new, innovative and mutually beneficial partnerships between U.S. and Ethiopian universities and colleges.  The competition is not designed for the continuation or enhancement of an existing project or proposal.
Proposals may be wide-ranging in scope and format—from faculty and student exchange programs, to research collaborations, joint degree programs and comprehensive institutional partnerships—but they must be conceived and prepared jointly by representatives of a U.S. and an Ethiopian institution, and they must have approval of the President or senior official of both institutions.
The Public Affairs Section will not support the following activities or expenses under this funding opportunity:
  • the purchase of space or buildings in support of program activities
  • development projects
  • research projects
  • construction projects
  • individual travel to conferences
  • scholarships to support educational opportunities or study for individuals
  • completion of activities begun with other funds
  • projects that are inherently political or religious in nature
  • cash prizes for competitions
Award Information:
Public Diplomacy Grants Program
Funding Instrument Type:  Cooperative Agreement or Grant
Award Amounts:  Maximum of $15,000 dollars
Duration of Award:  Up to one year
All U.S. and Ethiopian registered educational and non-profit, non-governmental institutions with relevant experience are eligible to apply.  This experience should be documented in the proposal.  Institutions must provide proof of registration and status with their proposal application. U.S.-based institutions should submit a copy of their IRS determination letter.  Ethiopia-based institutions should submit a copy of their registration certificate from the appropriate government organization.
In order to be eligible to receive an award, all institutions must have System Award Management (SAM) and Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) numbers from
Previous federal award recipients who are not/were not in compliance with the terms of their financial and program reporting requirements are ineligible to apply.
Application and Submission Information: 
Proposals may be submitted using the attached template and budget form.  The deadline for submission is August 4, 2017 to
  1. The proposal clearly addresses the goals and objectives of this funding opportunity.
  2. All documents are in English.
  3. All budgets are in U.S. dollars.
  4. All pages are numbered.
The following documents and information are also required:
  1. Applicant Organization Information
  2. Applicant Organization Survey
  3. Key Personnel and Project Partners
  4. Standard Forms SF-424 (Application for Federal Assistance). Applicants may submit separate proposal in addition to SF-424.
  5. Standard Forms 424 A (Budget)
  6. Standard Forms 424B (Assurances for Non-Construction Programs)
Deadline for submission                    August 4, 2017
Notification of selection                    August 21, 2017
Award of grant                                   September 15, 2017
Grant period                                       October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018
Review and Selection Process:
Applications will be reviewed on the basis of their fullness, coherence, clarity, and attention to detail.
  1. Project justification, sustainability, and impact on Mission Ethiopia’s goals.
  2. Planning and feasibility.
  3. Organization’s record and capacity.
  4. Cost-effectiveness and cost-share.
  5. Monitoring and evaluation.
Reporting requirements:
Recipients are required to submit a quarterly program progress and financial reports throughout the project period using the standard form of Performance Progress Report (SF-PPR) and Federal Financial Report (SF-425) respectively.
Progress and financial reports are due 30 days after the reporting period.  Final certified programmatic and financial reports are due 90 days after the close of the project period.
First Quarter (January1-March 31):              Report due by April 30
Second Quarter (April 1-June 30):                Report due by July 30
Third Quarter (July 1-September 30):           Report due by October 30
Fourth Quarter (October 1-December 30):    Report due by January 30
Final Report:                                                  Report due 90 days after project ends

Please click here for grant guidelines.

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